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article: Jewish sound archive to go online this term

Excerpts follow.
Full article:

Summary for Yiddish Radio afficionados: archive of Eddie Gillman (Boston's
Di Yidishe Shtunde) goes online.


-- Mark David, Host/Producer, The Yiddish Voice,

The Dartmouth Online
Monday, October 14, 2002
Jewish sound archive to go online this term
by Elizabeth Wise

.... On this website, Dartmouth students will have access to a wide variety
of programming including Yiddish radio jingles predating World War II, a
radio broadcast of the United Nations' vote for the creation of the state of
Israel and contemporary Israeli folk music....Hartov developed the archive
in 1992 after stumbling upon old records belonging to Eddie Gilman, his
wife's uncle.... Gilman had used the records while hosting a Yiddish radio
show in Boston called "The Yiddish Hour," and Hartov later inherited
Gilman's collection of recordings and transcripts....

---------------------- jewish-music (at) shamash(dot)org ---------------------+

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