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Re: Help with titles

At 06:40 AM 10/11/02, Andreas Edlund wrote:
>Some time ago, I learned two tunes from an old cassette recording. I 
>haven't any knowledge about who is playing, nor do I know the titles of 
>the songs:
>What are the names of these songs?

The "ballad" is the same melody as used for the Sabbath Zemer "D'ror 
Yikra", but the cadence is different.
The "waltz" is a Chassidic mazurka. Sounds like Modzitz, but I'm not 
sure.  I have a hind-brain association of it with the Zemer "M'nucha 

Cantor Sam Weiss === Jewish Community Center of Paramus, NJ

---------------------- jewish-music (at) shamash(dot)org ---------------------+

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