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Re: The Conservatory Kleztet in Boston and New York

michael, can the name before you become famous. all these boston bands with
similar names!  On second thought, it might not matter what you call
yourself --  people here refer to KCB as the  "Boston klezmer band."
Nobody knows the secret order of Klezmer,Conservatory and Band.  

Bert Stratton

At 03:41 PM 10/7/02 -0400, you wrote:
>Hiya Folks!!!
>My Klezmer band, the conservatory kleztet, from New England Conservatory,
has two HUGE upcoming dates!!  And you are all invited!!
>The Conservatory Kleztet fuses Klezmer with various styles from latin and
Balkan music, to modern styles of jazz and improvisations.  According to
various and random students, "they are the best klezmer band ever."  
>For those of you in BOSTON:  We will be playing at Mama Gaia's, on OCTOBER
20'TH!!.  This is a sunday at 8:00 PM.  Mama Gaia's is in Cambridge, 401
Mass Ave, central square area.  I think it costs somewhere b/w $5-7. not much!
>For those of you in NEW YORK: We will be playing at tonic, on NOVEMBER
17'TH!!!  Thats sunday afternoon, 1:30 and 3 PM.  Tonic is 107 Norfolk st.,
in the lower east side!!! $10 for one set, $15 for two.  not too much either!
>Please, Please, Please come!!!  I promise you very good music!! I think we
sound REALLY GOOD!--- again, BOSTON OCT.20'TH,  NEW YORK NOV.17'TH!!!-- see
you all there  (expect some future emails)--- best wishes, Michael Winograd

---------------------- jewish-music (at) shamash(dot)org ---------------------+

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