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Re: Shmuel Brazil

on 10/6/02 11:15 PM, Robert Cohen at rlcm17 (at) hotmail(dot)com wrote:

> lk music, and 
> a transcendently stirring setting of a deeply devotional text.  His setting
> of "Eits Chayim," from the same period, is also still sung in shuls; I've
> heard it combined with Shlomo's setting of "Hashiveinu" (i.e., the last
> line).  And a number of other melodies from his Regesh
> recordings--available, I believe, from any well-stocked Jewish book & music
> store, btw--have, I believe, become established as well.

If I am guessing correctly as to  which tune you are thinknig of, the
setting of Etz Chaim that you are referring to was composed by Tanchum
Portnoy for a group of Rabbi's Sons emulatyors "Bat Kol."

Buit you are right, Shmuel is a "Gevalt.'

By the way, as Cantor Sam knows, having met and shmoozed with me a few weeks
ago, I don't want to hear any complaining about darker hair, as I would be
happy with hair. Period.

I forgot about Bilvovi, which is interesting since I played at the wedding
of one of the sons of Josh Goldberg last night. Josh was the fellow who
arranged and performed on the "Or Chodosh" record on which Bilvovi and  a
number of other Brazil tunes first appeared, including "Shmelkie's Nigun."

Jordan Hirsch 

---------------------- jewish-music (at) shamash(dot)org ---------------------+

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