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Nigun Bialik

re Jessica's question about Nigun Bialik -
>... I suspect it is wrong to list it as being from Israel since the tune 
> predates 1948. 

If it pre-dates 1948 it just means the term "Israel" wasn't being used
formally and politically etc. It doesn't mean the tune/dance aren't from
what became The State of Israel in 1948. See, for example, Jehoash
Hirshberg's book "Music of the Jews of Palestine 1880-1948" (Oxford) (I
reviewed it some years ago, I think in Canadian Folklore Canadien, now
called Ethnologies).It's just not very helpful these days to refer to
something called "Nigun Bialik" as "from Palestine", and a little
cumbersome to say "from what would become in a few years the STate of

So, it's from Israel. best, Judith

---------------------- jewish-music (at) shamash(dot)org ---------------------+

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