Mail Archive sponsored by Chazzanut Online


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overwhelmed with mail from this group? zorg zikh nisht.


Once again, we're experiencing a flurry of messages from people
complaining about the sheer volume of mailings from this list.
If the barrage of messages (often 20 or 30 in a single day) 
overwhelms you, don't give up!  You can receive messages in 
digest format instead.  You still get the entire day's discussion,
but all messages are bunched together and sent as a single e-mail
message, thereby making it easier to manage your inbox.

To receive messages in digest format, send the following request
to listproc (at) shamash(dot)org:

  set JEWISH-MUSIC mail digest-nomime

You can also do this interactively.  Go to Ari's resource page
Scroll down and click the "Shamash Swiss Army Knife List Maintenance"
link (  On the
Shamash page, provide your e-mail address and the name of the list
("Jewish-Music"), then check the button labeled "Send messages in
digests; do not send back my postings".

I hope this helps.


---------------------- jewish-music (at) shamash(dot)org ---------------------+

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