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Fwd: Andy Statman Trio in NYC in October

>Date: Tue, 1 Oct 2002 23:06:17 GMT
>From: Webmaster <info (at) AndyStatman(dot)org>
>On Thursday, October 3rd, Andy Statman and his trio (Andy on clarinet 
>and mandolin, Jim Whitney on bass and Larry Eagle on drums and 
>percussion) will play at the Charles Street Synagogue (Charles at West 
>4th) for the last time before a two week tour of Israel (next 
>performance at the shul: Monday the 28th).  Music starts at 8:00 (more 
>or less), refreshments afterwards.
>On Thursday, October 24th, the Trio can be seen in concert at the Museum
>of Jewish Heritage (18 First Place, Battery Park City).  For 
>information: (212) 509-6130 or 
>For more about the Trio:

---------------------- jewish-music (at) shamash(dot)org ---------------------+

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