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zemer inquiry

I'm posting this for Steven Hill, who's not on this list.
Please respond to him directly.

Thanks, un a git yontef tsu ale,

Yankl Falk

-----Original Message-----
From: Steven Hill [mailto:hill10003 (at) rcn(dot)com]
Sent: Thursday, September 26, 2002 9:14 AM
Subject: zmires


Can you help me? I am doing genealogical research on one of my Jewish
ancestors. He came from Minsk in 1897. He used to sing a zmires in Yiddish
that had the following phrase: ?Eine sheyne Shabes?. Can you help me
identify the song? I?m not sure if the word ?eine? is correct. Thank you :-)

Steven Hill
(212) 529-9019

---------------------- jewish-music (at) shamash(dot)org ---------------------+

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