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Burton Greene and KlezJazz Back in the States

Khaverim --

Just got a note from Burton Greene, which I pass on for your edification.

George (the Friendly Mailman) Robinson

Just to let you know 
I´l be back in NYC in early October.  Besides a duo
concert with bassist Mark 
Dresser at David Lopato`s InHouse Concert Series in
his loft on Oct.5, there 
are 2 concerts scheduled of  Klez-Jazz with Perry
Robinson, Jay Rozen on 
tuba,  Kevin Norton on drums, and myself.   On October
9 we play at Triad 
Theater and Lounge, 158 W. 72nd St.  NYC 10023  212.
877.7176, at 8 PM.   On 
Oct 11 Klez-Jazz is at Hallwalls Contemporary Art
Center, 2495 Main St., 
Suite 425, Buffalo, NY 14214. Telephone (716) 835

---------------------- jewish-music (at) shamash(dot)org ---------------------+

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