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re: Lyrics for Lesley Draper

Moe Jaffe wrote English language lyrics to "Ershter Vals".  This
version appears on the album "Jewish-American Songs For The Jet Set"
(Tikva T-101 [1965]), sung by Cantor Bernie Knee and accompanied by
the Irving Fields Trio.  The English title is "My Heart Will Be With
You", and the lyrics, which cover only the song's "A" section, are:

    My heart will be with you
    Where you go and in all that you do
    In time with every beat
    I will whisper, "I love you, my sweet"
    No other can replace
    Lovely you in my embrace
    I live only for
    You forevermore
    And my heart will be with you

L'shana tova / a gut yor

-- Bill B.

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