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Re: Lyrics re Rasputin?

Here's a slight variant, as done at the Gilded Cage in Philadelphia, with a 
big improvement over the "House Unamerican,,,", and "vodka" along with the 

A personal friend of the Czar was I
a personal friend of the Czar Nikolai
we practically slept in the same double bed
him at the foot, me at the head
but all that seems distant, and all that seems far
of those wonderful nights in the palace of the Czar

Hey hey hey
I went shootin' with Rasputin
ate farina with Czarina
blintzes with the princes and the Czar
hey hey hey
we were sharing tea and herring
sliced banana with smetana (?)
borscht and vodka round the samivar
The Czar and I were friends for life
much better friends was I with his pretty young wife
we practically slept in the same double bed
'til the Czar kicked me out, and slept there instead
but all that seems distant, and all that seems far
of those wonderful nights in the palace of the Czar
hey hey hey (chorus)

The revolution came, I was out in the cold
all the Bolsheviks left me was my silver and gold
the reds kicked me out without any pity
but I got even, on the McCarthy Committee

At 02:19 PM 9/4/02 -0400, you wrote:
>Here are a few websites with various versions:
>These are somewhat different from the version I know, and I'm not sure how
>complete they are.
> > A friend is seeking *complete* lyrics to "I Went Shootin' with 
> Rasputin".  I
> > thought this had come up on this list, but all I retrieved was a website
> > with incomplete lyrics under a different title.
> >
> > Anyone know how I/she can access complete ones?
> >
> > --Robert Cohen

---------------------- jewish-music (at) shamash(dot)org ---------------------+

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