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Re: WW 1 chicago/midwest klezmer bands?

Judging from the addresses I think there is a good chance that the city was 
Philadelphia.  Henry Sapoznik mentions addresses of some of the yiddish 
theatres in Philadelphia in his wonderful book,  "Klezmer: Jewish Music 
from Old World to Our World" which you might want to check out.  Currently 
reading the book. It's a very fun read along with being highly informative.

Good luck.


>Could it be Philadelphia?
>itzik gottesman wrote:
>>I have four postcard size announcements of Jewish events in Yiddish, all 
>>happening about the time of WW1. Can someone identify the city?
>>1©ÝUnion Picinic in Maple Grove Park, performing: Sharlip's Union Orchestra
>>2©ÝUnion Ball at New Auditorium Hall, 711 Snyder Ave. performing: 
>>Sharlip's Union Orchestra
>>3©ÝConcert and Ball, 1913 at New Lyric Hall, 928-32 South 6th st. no band 
>>4©ÝConcert and Bal, 1915 New Lyric Hall, band: Kozes Union Double 
>>Orchestra (approx spelling from Yiddish).
>>,ÝItzik Gottsman

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