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Di naye shikh

On the way to last night's gig, I had to stop by the 7-11 to buy
a battery for one of my pedals, and I saw this long deceased
yiddish folk-poet whose name escaped me at the time... well it
looked like him anyway.  So it prompted me to pen these words as
a tribute in this week which has just been:

S?iz eyns far a groshn, Tsvei far di hor,
Drei zikh tsu graytn un for, for, for,
Nor shtey nisht oyf di bloy zamshene shikh,
Du kenst ton vos du vilst, nor shtey nisht oyf di shikh.

Kenst mir gebn a flask, un makhn melkhome
Red fun mir... loshn hore
Tu altsdink vos du vilst tsu mir
Ober oy, oy vey loz op di shikh,
Nu shtey nisht, oif di bloy zamshene shikh.
Du kenst ton vos du vilst, nor shtey nisht oyf di shikh.

Kenst mir gebn a kholera, tsebrekhn di tseyn
Hakn a tchaynik, un tsabrekhn a beyn
Tu altsdink vos du vilst tsu mir
Ober oy, oy vey loz op di shikh,
Nu shtey nisht, oif di bloy zamshene shikh.
Du kenst ton vos du vilst, nor shtey nisht oyf di shikh.

(Alternate last verse)
Farbren mayn hoiz, roib mayn ?Commodore Special?
Trink mayn shnapps funem frukhtl fleshl
Tu altsdink vos du vilst tsu mir
Ober oy, oy vey loz op di shikh,
Nu shtey nisht, oif di bloy zamshene shikh.
Du kenst ton vos du vilst, nor shtey nisht oyf di shikh.

(The Commodore Special is a reference to a well known locally
produced automobile)  The alternate verse has been scrapped for
todays gig, as the "frukhtl-fleshl" bit is a tongue twister I
cannot master!

I thought that seeing I was typing it up for today's gig, I'd
copy and paste it to the list!

OK, so Elvis wasn't jewish... but he loved god and he loved his
mother and that's a good start!


Lionel Mrocki


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