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WW1 klezmer bands in chicago or another mid-western city?

I have four postcards in yiddish for four events in chicago (?)
around the first world war. Can someone confirm the city in which
they take place?
1©ÝUnion Picnic in Maple Grove Park. Performing: Sharlip's Union Orchestra
2©ÝUnion Ball at New Auditorium Hall, 711 Snyder Ave. performing:
Sharlips Union Orch.
3©ÝConcert and Ball, 1913, at new Lyric hall, 928-32 South 6th st. no
band mentioned
4©Ýnew lyric hall, 1915, band: Kozes Union Double Orchestra.

?Ýitzik gottesman

---------------------- jewish-music (at) shamash(dot)org ---------------------+

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