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"Laser Light" musicians?

Just a quick quirky query that some well connected soul on
this list might be able to answer:
I was looking for a copy of "Mine Shtetl Yass" to Listen to
as a companion to learning the version in
the Klezmer Piano book, and was having trouble finding one.
I came accross a reference to what I presumed was the same
entitled just "Yass" on a 6 dollar "Laser Light" CD
"Freilachs for Weddings" and bought it.
It has a number of very nice "mainstream" versions of
various Klez and Israeli tunes nicely, if not
inspirationally played
with Clarinet, trumpet (often with mute) accordion, piano
etc. the Yass is the same, after an intro Doina.
This budget "functional" line of CD's gives no reference to
the musicians, who I'm sure signed away any and all
"rights", but I was curious if anyone happens to know who
they were, seems like they had some Klezmer experience and
it seems a shame they should be anonymous if I play their
music for learning stage Klezmer students!
Any takers? Thanks
cer7q (at) virginia(dot)edu

---------------------- jewish-music (at) shamash(dot)org ---------------------+

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