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Re: comments sought on tsimbl orchestration

In a message dated 7/26/02 5:15:10 PM, ro (at) panix(dot)com writes:

<< This weekend I'll be playing with just a wooden flute player (the
flute is wooden, not the player - he is warm, soft and fun).
That's going to make sense. >>

Obviously this does make sense and will create the appropriate sound. But I 
say, when you want to play with your other larger instrumentation you've 
already altered the intent of how the tsimbl would be used so you have to go 
with your own alteration. If you've joined in on a big reedy band then why 
fight the volume issue? It's already a bizarre mix of instruments so you may 
as well succumb to having the amplify. Many bands, including ours, amplify 
the violin in certain situations without amplifying the clarinet. It's 
logical and why make one instrument fight the other? With flute and tsimbl, 
of course - even metal - it's a natural ensemble. No fighting. But if you 
were playing outdoors for a concert or for a large party of, say, 200 people, 
wouldn't you amplify? You amplify for reasons. I'm sure the sound isn't as 
gratifying but some sound is better than no sound. 
Adrianne- also -not -a -wooden- player - Greenbaum

---------------------- jewish-music (at) shamash(dot)org ---------------------+

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