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[Fwd: Goyrl: Destiny by Wolf Krakowski --In Stores Now (23/7/02)]

> Goyrl: Destiny
> A CD of Yiddish World Music by  Wolf Krakowski
> Produced by Frank London
> On Tzadik Records:  
> Distributed by Koch Int¹l:
> In his dramatic follow-up to Transmigrations: Gilgul, singer-guitarist
> Wolf Krakowski weaves unique and
> heartfelt world music soul stylings with Yiddish folk, theatre and pop
> songs to create a compelling inter-
> national downtown sound rooted in the blues, country-rock, tango,
> reggae and native =mameloshn=.
> Personnel:
> The Lonesome Brothers: Jim Armenti, Ray Mason and Tom Shea
>  & Seth Austen, Doug Beaumier, Fr (at) idy K (at) tz, Daniel Lombardo
>       Frank London, Corner Mentos, Brian Mitchell, Charles Neville
>                       Jaye Simms, Pamela Smith Selavka, Beverly Woods
> Program:
> Tate-mame (My Father and Mother): Dona, Dona: Kh¹vel Shoyn Mer Nisht
> Ganvenen (I¹ll Never Steal Again):
> Mit Farmakhte Oygn (With Eyes Closed): A Shod Dayne Trern (A Waste of
> Your Tears):
> Tsum Sof Vest Du Zayn Mayn (You Will Be Mine): Drey, Dreydl (Spin,
> Dreydl):
> Tife Griber, Royter Laym (Deep Pits, Red Clay): Hundert (One
> Hundred):  Lomir Trakhtn Nor Fun Haynt
> (Let¹s Just Think About Today): Gib Zhe Khaver A Roykher Ton ( Buddy,
> Have A Smoke With Me): Zingarella
> Available Mail Order from Hatikvah Music Int¹l.:
>                       klezcorner (at) aol(dot)com
> &
> Record stores including:     Downtown Music Gallery (NYC), Tower, Sam
> Goody, HMV
> Radio programmers and journalists, contact:  Kazunori Sugiyama:
> tzadik (at) nyc(dot)rr(dot)com
> Sound Clips, Session Photos, Distributor, Vendor and Artist info:
> Kame¹a Media:
> Listen to The Forward Hour (in Yiddish):
> Click on Stored Programs:  July 20, 2002
> Please forward this message to those who may be interested.

Alex Lubet, Ph. D.
Morse Alumni Distinguished Teaching Professor of Music
Adjunct Professor of American and Jewish Studies
Head, Division Of Composition and Music Theory
University of Minnesota
2106 4th St. S
Minneapolis, MN 55455
612 624-7840 612 624-8001 (fax)

---------------------- jewish-music (at) shamash(dot)org ---------------------+

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