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Re: Klezmer Guitar

on 7/10/02 1:39 PM, Marvin at physchem (at) telocity(dot)com wrote:

> Can someone help this guitarist?  Please reply directly to him, and copy
> this maillist.

I have a number of fingerstyle guitar klezmer arrangements in alternate
tunings, I've just been writing them out for my teaching materials at
National Guitar Summer Workshop this summer.

As far as other players, are you looking for acoustic guitar only, or also
electric? Let me know. For starters, here's a few bands with guitarists that
I can think of:

Tim Sparks, three albums on Tzadik

Finjan, a Canadian klezmer band, w/ acoustic guitarist (also mando and
banjo) Daniel Kourack.

Two earlier CDs of Andy Statman's Klezmer Orchestra feature Bob Jones on
acoustic guitar, mostly flatpicked. On Songs From My Fathers with Davis
Grisman there's a few cuts with some nylon string. I'd have to look at the
CD to see who it is.

Matt Darriau's Paradox Trio features superb electric guitarist Brad Shepik,
also plays saz.

David Krakauer's Klezmer Madness CDs all feature avant-garde, Hendrix
inspired electric guitarists.

Hasidic New Wave, featuring Frank London on trumpet, also w/ some wild avant
garde electric guitarists.

Klezperanto has Brandon Seabrook on tenor banjo, mandolin and electric


Seth Austen
emails: seth (at) sethausten(dot)com
klezmusic (at) earthlink(dot)net

---------------------- jewish-music (at) shamash(dot)org ---------------------+

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