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Portland, OR, 7/22-25: Lev Liberman class, "Klezmer Music: From Underground to Outer Edge"

This announcement is from:

Week 3: Monday, July 22-Thursday, July 25

Section 4A - 7:00 pm-9:20 pm

Sociology 099, 410, 510 Klezmer Music: From Underground to Outer Edge
Lev Liberman, Ethnomusicologist and performer

Klezmer - Eastern European Yiddish instrumental music - emigrated to America
circa 1910, went underground in the Great Depression, and re-emerged in the
1970s. We'll explore its timeless appeal through rare recordings and live
musical demonstrations - tracking the genre's evolution from Ukrainian
village bands to the postmodern avant-garde. Topics include: mad genius
clarinetist Naftule Brandwein; influences of Roma (Gypsies); the dark ages
of Catskills kitsch; dynamics of the klezmer revival; today's trailblazing
stylists in neo-klezmer fusion; and Euro-roots retro.

Lev Liberman co-founded The Klezmorim - the world's first klezmer-revival
band - in 1975, performing worldwide with the Grammy-nominated group until
1988 when he returned to his native Portland. He taught Yiddish and Jewish
music at Lehrhaus Judaica in Berkeley, CA and was director of the archives
of music and performing arts at the Judah Magnes Museum.

Registration Information:

---------------------- jewish-music (at) shamash(dot)org ---------------------+

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