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Re: New: "Klezmer Dance Party" by Sruli & Lisa

speaking of those two... i heard from my mom's friend that they were playing 
a bat mitsvah in new york, just the two of them, just playing jewish, and 
everyone there, all the kids, were full into it and engaged the whole time 
 -- a feat if i ever heard of one, even by a full band playing american 

yeah, and i heard about the new Klezmer Brass Allstars CD....? is anyone 
selling that..? (email me privately) does it exist? 

|| yakov || chodosh ||
(my big comic book research project "COMICS AS COMICS" online in sept! lots 
of pretentious comics and over-analyses! no jewish music content whatsoever! 
president and client of the international
"I want to be Joshua Horowitz" club

---------------------- jewish-music (at) shamash(dot)org ---------------------+

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