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New: Yiddish Folk Dance Video

                    "Come Let us Dance--Lomir Geyn Tansn-Two Yiddish Dances"

                        Settings by Nathan Vizonsky  As taught by Miriam 

What dances go with Klezmer Music? After all, "Klezmer" IS dance music! At 
Weddings, Bar Mitzvahs, tnoynim, there was always dancing in the Jewish 
communities of Eastern Europe. This 48 minute video teaches a Freylekh and 
two variations of the Sher. It also looks at the life and circumstances that 
helped give Yiddish dance it's unique flavor and style.

Narrated and produced Karen Goodman, the dances are taught by Miriam Rochlin 
who studied with Polish-born dancer/choreographer Nathan Vizonsky in the 
Known for the authenticity of his style, he published his collection of 
notations, "Ten Jewish Folk Dances" in 1942. Three decades since his death, 
this documentary/instructional video brings his work to new generation. 

 Documentary/Instructional video:48 min  $24.98

Available at:
Hatikvah Music
323) 655-7083
E-mail: Klezcorner (at) aol(dot)com

---------------------- jewish-music (at) shamash(dot)org ---------------------+

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