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Re: "And the Angels Sing"

Hi Hankus,
   Could I use this info for a paper I'm writing? If so, how would you like 
me to credit it?

Thanks very much,
Elie Rosenblatt

In a message dated 6/1/2002 10:43:07 AM Eastern Standard Time, 
HNetsky (at) aol(dot)com writes:

<< Possibly interesting update on an old thread.  Just ran into someone who 
 up with Elman in South Philly, who remembers going with him to trumpet 
 lessons with Sam Portnoy, first trumpet in Kandel's orchestra, the band that 
 recorded Jakey Jazz Em Up, the first jazz reworking of "Der Shtiler Bulgar." 
 Some people in the older generation in Philadelphia attributed to the tune 
 Meyer Swerdlow (who probably taught Portnoy trumpet!), but it's likely that 
 he compiled it from Rumanian sources. >>

---------------------- jewish-music (at) shamash(dot)org ---------------------+

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