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Astoria Klezmer Jam

Klezmer Jam Session at Astoria Center of Israel
will be held May 20, Monday, 7:30pm 
Led by clarinetist Margot Leverett
this will be the last session until fall

this is a very informal session,  open to all levels, (and we've had a good 
mix of levels and instruments) as well as to anyone who wants to come and 
dance or just listen. It's free!  Please come join us!

Astoria Center of Israel, 
an egalitarian conservative synagogue in Astoria Queens, NY
27-35 Crescent Street 
N train to 30th Ave
(718) 278-2680

apologies to anyone who got the wrong date - there was a mixup!

---------------------- jewish-music (at) shamash(dot)org ---------------------+

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