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Concert at North Pointe Cultural Arts Center

"Let us make peace and and do justice,
And heal our poor world, which is our greatest treasure,
When slavery and oppression have disappeared from the face of the Earth,
We won't need to see the Messiah to know that the time of the Messiah 
has come."
Paradox, or Der meshiekh vet ersht kumen
                                                          by Yosl Kurland

Celebrating the release of our new Album, "Zingen far sholem, tantsn far freyd"
(Sing for Peace, Dance for Joy)
will be performing at the
North Pointe Cultural Arts Center
Kinderhook, NY
Saturday evening, May 18th at 8pm.

Tickets: $15 Seniors $13.50
Members $12 Children $7.50
for reservations: 518-758-9234

Kinderhook is approximately 7 miles south of Exit B1 of the New York 
State Thruway, on Route 9.   North Pointe Cultural Arts Center is 
located in the center of the village directly across the street from 
a Stewart's convenience store. For more complete directions, see:

If you miss this concert, you can still order our new album,
or talk to us about performing for your wedding or bar/bas mitzve.
And we'll be back in the Hudson Valley on August 3rd at Caffé Lena.

Zayt gezunt (be healthy),

Yosl (Joe) Kurland
The Wholesale Klezmer Band
Colrain, MA 01340
voice/fax: 413-624-3204
Please include your USPS address and phone number in your email 
signature on all business correspondence.

---------------------- jewish-music (at) shamash(dot)org ---------------------+

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