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RE: Tfilati

Dear Dick,
I see you copied the words from our website
So delighted that you love this song - it is indeed magnificent
and one of Naomi Shemer's great classics.
It is also a beautiful Israeli dance.
I suggest you go to
and email them to ask which recording you might find it on.
I started to do a quick search for you, but my electricity is
being turned off by a tradesman in 30 seconds!!
Warm wishes to all 
Aura Levin Lipski
Publisher Jewish Australia Online Network
Jewish Australia dot com <> 

Hebrew Songs dot com <> 

Israeli Dance Australia dot com


-----Original Message-----
From: owner-jewish-music (at) shamash(dot)org
[mailto:owner-jewish-music (at) shamash(dot)org] On Behalf Of Dick Rosenberg
Sent: Monday, 13 May 2002 10:07 AM
To: World music from a Jewish slant
Subject: Tfilati

There is a lovely song by Naomi Shemer called Tfilati. We use it as part
of the Friday night service at my synagogue. I have this feeling that I
have heard it on a recording somewhere, but can't find it. Any ideas?
Here are the words:


Ha'azina Elohim tfilati 
ve'al na titalem mitchinti. 

Mi yiten li kanaf kayona,
a'ufa li ve'eshkona. 

Ani el Elohai ekra 
vehu yoshieni. 


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