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Re: Sephardic Music Reviews

Thank you George Robinson & thank you Hatikvah for presenting such a 
magnificent selection of amazing music!
Sometimes it gets lonely out here, in the realm of non-Ashkenazi 
Jewish music, and you guys help making this side of the universe a 
bit warmer and cozier...

>The current issue of "The Jewish Week" features an entire column of
>Ladino/Sephardic CD reviews by George Robinson.
>You can find the article at:
>Hatikvah Music
>323) 655-7083

Re: George Robinson's review of the "Kol Oud Tof Trio" CD, which I 
take the liberty to quote below:

>Kol Oud Tof Trio: "Gazelle" (Magda)
>If you have just a little Hebrew you know that the name of this 
>group means "voice, oud, drum," and that this Israeli group 
>features. Esti Kenan-Ofri is an Italian-born, classically trained 
>soprano with a lilting, sweet voice; Armand Sabach is a 
>Moroccan-born oud player who specializes in classical Arabic music; 
>percussionist Oren Fried is an Israeli native with an extensive 
>background in jazz. The result is a seamless and engaging 
>collaboration that combines Hebrew liturgical poetry, Ladino and 
>Arabic classical modes in a beautiful blend.

As someone who knows the artists involved in the trio, and as a big 
fan of their work (which is only partially represented in this 
release: wait for the Duo Kol Tof CD to eventually come out!!!), I 
wish to add the following:

- Esti Kenan Ofri was indeed born in Rome, but to Israeli parents, 
and left Italy as a baby: she loves Italy, performs here quite often 
(last year, she toured, co-sponsored by Yuval Italia, with the 
Tangeer Andalusian Orchestra), and she is proud of her Italian 
birthplace -- but she's definitely an Israeli.

- EKO is not a classically trained soprano: she was never trained in 
Western classical music; she's more of a vocalist who has been 
engaged mainly in the contemporary scene (with music written for her 
by Luciano Berio, and Israeli composers Oded Zehavi, Betty Olivero, 
Tzippi Fleischer) and in a very interesting reconsideration of the 
Sephardic vocal/instrumental repertoire. Instead, she's been training 
in Arabic classical music with Iraqi-Israeli composer Selim In-nur 
(or Shlomoh Ziv-li)...



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YUVAL ITALIA      Centro Studi Musica Ebraica
the  Italian Center for the Study of Jewish Music

via della Guastalla,19            20122 Milano Italy
tel/fax +39 02 55014977    yuval (at) powerlink(dot)it
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