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Re: How does being Jewish factor into playing, teaching, or learning klezmer?

on 5/1/02 1:46 AM, gang0038 at gang0038 (at) umn(dot)edu wrote:

> How does being Jewish factor into playing, teaching, or learning klezmer?

Although I am Jewish, this doesn't instantly qualify me for playing,
performing and teaching klezmer. Those qualifications are earned by
studying, listening and total immersion in the music. I do feel a deep
spiritual connection to klezmer music, and it feels very important to me to
play and express this aspect of my Jewish heritage. I also believe that a
non-Jew can have just as deep a connection to the music.

As an example, I am recognized as being worth studying with in a number of
traditional folk styles such as delta blues, southern Appalachian and Celtic
music. These aren't part of my ethnic heritage at all, yet I feel a
profoundly deep connection to these musics. I attained my status as a
teacher and performer of these traditions by studying and total immersion in
the musical style, nuances and cultures.

I look forward to hearing your opinions on these questions you're asking.

Seth Austen
emails: seth (at) sethausten(dot)com
klezmusic (at) earthlink(dot)net

---------------------- jewish-music (at) shamash(dot)org ---------------------+

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