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New Yiddish Class in Chicago (Evanston)

Hi, Chicagoans--

Just to let you know of a new Yiddish class that came to my attention at JRC, 
Evanston (847/328-7678).

> Wednesday, May 15
> 10:00 a.m. Beginning Yiddish Class
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May 3-4  2002                          22 Iyar 5762
Brant Rosen, Rabbi                  Bruce Kaskel, President
Howard Friedland, Cantorial Soloist

This Week at JRC

Friday, May 3
8:00 p.m. Erev Shabbat Service featuring The Chicago Children's
Choir, directed by JRC's very own Choir Director, Danny
Wallenberg. The CCC is fast achieving a reputation as one of the
nation's best young choral ensembles.

Thank you to this week's oneg hosts: Melvin & Jane Sigel in honor
of their great granddaughter Casia Lynn Siegel; Pat Lane & Peter
Silverman, in memory of Pat's mother and Peter's father on their
yahrzeits; and Ellie Routtenberg

Saturday, May 4
9:00 a.m. Torah Study with Rabbi Rosen
10:00 a.m. The entire JRC community is invited to celebrate with
Joanna Schiffman and her family as she is called to the Torah as
a Bat Mitzvah
10:00 a.m.  Shabbat Minyan (upstairs; childcare available)
Leader: Roger Price; D'var Torah: Roger Price.

Sunday, May 5
Beit Midrash with Rabbi Rosen cancelled.
1:30 p.m. Les Mish Cast Lunch and Video Viewing

Monday, May 6
10:00 a.m. Torah Study
7:00 p.m. Adult B'nai Mitzvah Class
7:00 p.m. Intro to Hebrew Class

Wednesday, May 8
10:00 a.m. Beginning Yiddish Class
7:30 p.m. Board Meeting

Thursday, May 9
7:45 p.m. Choir Rehearsal


Friday, May 10
Yom Yerushalayim
7:30 p.m.  Erev Shabbat Service, which will be led by members of
this year's 3rd grade class.

Saturday, May 11
9:00 a.m. Torah Study with Rabbi Rosen
10:00 a.m. The entire JRC community is invited to celebrate with
Erica Bryant and her family as she is called to the Torah as a
Bat Mitzvah
10:00 a.m.  Shabbat Minyan (upstairs-please note location change;
childcare available) Leaders: Ben & Diane Melnick; Reader: Leslie
Schwartzman; D'var Torah: Jonathan Markowitz.
10:30 a.m.  Tot Shabbat with Bonnie Silverman

Sunday, May 12
10:00 a.m. The entire JRC community is invited to celebrate with
Drew Handler and his family as he is called to Torah as a Bar
10:00 a.m. Book Club
11:20 a.m. Exploring Judaism

Monday, May 13
7:00 p.m. Adult B'nai Mitzvah Class
7:00 p.m. Intro to Hebrew Class
7:00 p.m. Ritual Practices

Wednesday, May 15
10:00 a.m. Beginning Yiddish Class
7:15 p.m. "Our Aging Parents, Our Aging Selves" Group

Thursday, May 16
9:30 p.m. Shavuot Service and Tikkun Leyl Shavuot at Beth Emet.
Study sessions will be led by Rabbi Rosen, Rabbis Peter Knobel
and Andrea London of Beth Emet.


April 28 - May 4, 2002
16-22 Iyar

Samuel Ehrenberg, father of Lloyd Ehrenberg
Bess Goldberg, mother of Anne Goldberg
Natalie Greiman, mother of Alan Greiman
David Gulko, father of Billie Farber
Malka Gulko, mother of Billie Farber
Paul Kerstein, grandfather of Peter Silverman
Irving Kirschner, father of Barbara Israelite
Shirley Kurtzon, mother of Lawrence Kurtzon
Idie Lane, mother of Patricia Lane
Jacob Miller, father of Beth Donohue
Fannie Oxman, mother of Jonah Oxman
Ronna Farber Sanders, daughter of Billie and Isadore Farber,
And sister of Deborah Farber
Betty Schaffner, mother of Martin Schaffner
Henry Schandag, father of Cindy Steinman
Charles Segall, father of Bonnie Rubin
Natalie A. Seinsheimer, mother of Carol Goldbaum
Giza Smith, great aunt of Judith Feigon Schiffman
Vera Ruth Steinhorn, mother of David Steinhorn

Condolences To:
Leslie Williams and her family on the death of her mother,
Doris Williams

REFUAH SHELEYMAH: Esther Bass, Allan Cohen, Jack Doppelt, Michael
Fortuin, Charlotte Greenberg, Judy Holstein, Suzanne Leider,
David Lieb, Irving Margolis, Janice Miller, Arthur Morrison,
Dolores Murray, Barbara Nichols, Shellie Nixon, Ami Parker, Nat
Raskin, Michael Rubenstein, Miriam Rubin, Barry Schlaggar, Carrie
Shepard, Leroy Shuster, Laurel Silverman, Melanie Smith, Becca
Turner, David Wasserberg, Dan Weiler, Judy Weinstein, Jim White,

HAPPY BIRTHDAY/ANNIVERSARY (May 5-11): Molly Berkson, Linda
Brown, Billie & Isadore Farber, Joel Goldberg, Laurie Goldstein,
Ana & Lawrence Kaufman, Pablo Kurganoff, Jennifer Liss, Thomas
McAuliffe, Eleanor Skydell, Robert Heuer & Julie Simpson, Gordon
& Judy Kopp, Jeryl Chico, Frank Nathan, Aaron Soto-Karlin, Aimee
& Ken Thompson, John Ireland & Rebeca Itzkowich, Michael Kamin,
Esther Kaplan, Beth Kaskel, Isabel Rothberg, James Schwoch,
Matthew Sheahan, Hannah Steinman, Rebecca Turner, Jack Dorf,
Vickie Korey, Guy Weinberg, Lisa Pildes & Michael Sehr, Wiley
Rosenberg, Erica Bryant, Brian Gratch, Jason & Beverly Kravitt,
Yale Kurganoff, Marilyn Leboy, Sarah Lee Orlove, David Waxman,
Guy & Mary Weinberg




THE MINYAN MEETING will be Sunday, June 9 at 9:00 a.m.  For
information, contact Rebecca Rubin 773-777-2593
rebecr (at) hotmail(dot)com

THE BULB ORDERS ARE BACK***********************

Order your bulbs from JRC and support our Landscape Fund.
Place your order by June 1st.  Leave your order form in the
office or mail it to Julia Talbot, 3640 North St. Louis Avenue,
Chicago, IL  60618.

Do 2 mitzvot at once.

Beautify your garden AND the JRC Early Childhood playground

When you purchase certificates to Anton's nursery, 20% goes to
the preschool's playground improvement efforts. Take advantage of
this beautiful weather by getting a head start on your gardening
or your Mother's Day gifts. Call Laurie Goldstein (847)853-8252
or Janice Brown (847)329-8223 for more information.  Coupons
available at the JRC office.  $20 denominations.

--------------------- jrc-full-list (at) shamash(dot)org --------------------+

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