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Re: Bawdy Yiddish Songs

They're not exactly _bawdy_, but on the subject of sex, there are a whole
lot of songs about the prostitute trade between Warsaw and Buenos Aires...


On Sun, 28 Apr 2002 MaxwellSt (at) aol(dot)com wrote:

> Well, there's three things you're not supposed to discuss in polite society,
> so sex should give us a good respite from religion and politics...
> > Anyway... how about dirty songs in Yiddish?
> > Are there a lot? Has anyone recorded any?
> The only one that comes to mind is the bawdy version of "Sha Sha, Der Rebe
> Geyt" (oy, di Rebbetzin), which has a series of vulgar verses in one
> variation (She's spreading...the cloth for the table" and so on).  The only
> recording I've heard it by Michael Alpert in an early Kapelye recording.  No
> doubt other distinguished historians on this list know more.
> Speaking of Kapelye, a funny line from the Yiddish Radio revue done by Henry,
> in case you couldn't catch it (it was in Chicago last week) is when the DJ
> is annoucing simchas.
> "Mazl tov to so-and-so on their anniversary....And Morris Stein is 111!
> Eh...sorry...Morris Stein is ill."  Also, Dave Tarras is touted by the
> announcer as "the Jewish Benny Goodman."
> Lori

--Abbi Wood

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