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Re: JEWISH-MUSIC digest 2236

To add another example, a song I learned from Beyle Gottesman (Itzik's mother) 
contains the following lines:
ale mayne yorn in prizev opgezesen (All my years I spent in prison)
In mayne beyner tien mekh shoyn vey.(And my old bones are aching)
Ikh heys Moyshe-Nisn, in vil fin gurnisht visn (My name is Moyshe Nisn, I don't 
care about anything).

Not sure if I've seen this song in any anthologies, maybe 1 of the Mlotek's?  
Have seen a somewhat simoilar verse about aching bones from a life in prison in 
an anthology of Yiddish songs from Russia.

Certainly no confusion about the 1st person singer being male!

Shira Lerner

At 12:16 AM 4/24/02 -0400, you wrote:
>can you give a couple
>of examples?

---------------------- jewish-music (at) shamash(dot)org ---------------------+

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