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Re: Early folklorists and Yiddish song

If you want to go before the 1890s, there is very little, maybe some
in Russian journals, some in German journals. There is an important
article in Yiddish by I.I Lerner in the journal  Hoyzfraynd, edited
by Mordkhe Spektor, Warsaw (1887-8 vol. 2) called "di yidishe muze"
on the beauty of Yiddish folksongs with some songs cited.  i don't
know what song collections you are referring to of the 1890s, unless
you are including the folkpoetry of badkhonim, etc.- Itzik Gottesman

>Does anyone have any information on folklorists working on Yiddish song
>during the nineteenth century? I have notes on published collections
>dating back to the beginning of the twentieth century, but I recall that
>some earlier printed collections are in the collections of YIVO and the
>New York Public Library (though as far as I remember these were from the
>1890s). Does anyone know of earlier work?
>??????????????????????Ýjewish-music (at) shamash(dot)org ---------------------+

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