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Concert at Temple Israel Tuesday, April 30

It's not strictly Jewish music, but it is L'ag B'omer;

Temple Israel of the City of New York cordially invites all music lovers to our 
annual Dr. Hyman and Jerrold Levy Memorial Concert, featuring The Musicians of 
Lenox Hill -- a group of talented, young musicians including winners of some 
prestigious Israeli musical awards.  Schoenfield's "Six Improvisations on 
Hasidic Meoldies for flute and piano will be on the program -- along with Bach, 
Telemann, Tolou and Faure.

Once again, list members who mention that they learned of the concert here will 
be welcomed as our guests.

The concert takes place on Tuesday, April 30, at 8pm at Temple Israel, 112 East 
75th St. NYC
For further information, please call 212-249-5000 x.238

(A light reception will follow)

Rabbi Judith Lewis

---------------------- jewish-music (at) shamash(dot)org ---------------------+

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