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Hebrew Stress (fwd)

Barry Mehler asked me to forward
this to the list.


From: "Barry Mehler" <barrymehler (at) hotmail(dot)com>
To: jewish-music (at) shamash(dot)org
Subject: Re: Hebrew Stress
Date: Sun, 14 Apr 2002 18:44:59 +0200

Irwin's comments about proper hebrew stress perfectly
express the challenges of west European classical
chazzanut.  His examples from Katz and Berlijn support
his comments.  However, he forgot to mention that not
all composers of west European classical chazzanut
were as detailed and careful as Katz and Berlijn.
For example all of the works that our choir sings from
Naumbourg and Lewandowski have been "re-stressed"
according to correct Hebrew grammar (ashkenaz).

Susan Lerner's comments about the reform movement
"editing" music to be consistant with modern Hebrew
could be better explained as "correcting" mistakes
made.  It is also not a phenomenon reserved to the
reform movement.

These so called corrections need to be made regarless
if the music is sung in Ashkenaz or Sefardic

On the other hand, I'm a great believer in
authenticity. As so many composers of the west
European classical chazzanut era consistantly made the
same mistakes with accenting the Hebrew, there's
something to be said about leaving it alone for
historical reasons (i.e., for concerts - not for

Barry Mehler
Musical Director
Amsterdam Synagogue Choir

---------------------- jewish-music (at) shamash(dot)org ---------------------+

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