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West Australia, New Zealand tours by Klezmeritis

Melbourne trio Klezmeritis will play at Fairbridge Festival near Perth, on
the "other" side of Australia on April 19-21. We'll give a couple of a
concerts, play for dancers, and I'll prob. give an intro. to klezmer
workshop. We hope to catch up with Perth klez band "The Red Sea Pedestrians"
and some other bands who are including klezmer.

The duo (violin Ernie Gruner, accordion Phil Carroll) will tour New Zealand
for a few weeks in July - playing klezmer plus gypsy and continental music.
(under name "Gypsy Nights" or "Klezmeritis duo")

Please contact me if you are interested in having a concert (hall or house),
dance or a klezmer workshop or would like more information about where we
are playing. Still clarifying dates.
We are probably playing at the Christchurch Synagogue on Thursday July 11th.
Both sides of my grandparents came to New Zealand just before or after the
war and I look forward to visiting relatives, as well as throwing snowballs
at my kids.

Ernie Gruner * Klezmeritis *  613 9386 7108 * erniegru (at) mira(dot)net

---------------------- jewish-music (at) shamash(dot)org ---------------------+

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