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Chevan and Byrd on NPR round two!!

So after being bumped from All Things Considered last week we just got word
that NPR has rescheduled the broadcast of their interview with Warren and me
for this Friday
morning, April 5, on Morning Edition.  I've been told, however, that we will
be bumped if there is any kind of breaking news story.
So, after my last experience I have certainly learned one thing when it
comes to NPR's News shows and the arts.  The arts is expendable--unless you
are in a psychedelic hip-hop band called The Chemical Brothers (a story
that, for some reason, they didn't bump that night).

As for when they will air us on Morning Edition, I don't know.  So please
don't tune in unless you want to hear the news and maybe, just maybe, also

In the meantime, Friday, April 5 is also the official release date for our
new CD, This Is The Afro-Semitic Experience.  The album features Warren on
piano and me playing bass along with an assortment of extraordinary
musicians we call The Afro-Semitic Experience.  The album includes some
klezmer, original material, a rendition Mingus' "Better Git Hit In Your
Soul,"  and a few pieces that turn out to be rather timely including a
rendition of the Israeli song, "Shir LaShalom," the anthem of the Israeli
peace movement and a piece by the Islamic composer, Abdullah Ibrahim, "Water
from An Ancient Well."  The Afro-Semitic Experience.

The recording is already available at or you can order it
from me direct.

Direct orders should be mailed to

David Chevan
P.O. Box 6183
Whitneyville, CT 06517

Please include $15 for each CD.  Postage and all the other stuff including
CT sales tax is included in the price.

Oh, and hopefully you'll hear some of this music along with a story on
Friday's Morning Edition.  And, if they bump us again I promise I will not
write to anyone except my mom to announce the rescheduled time.

Best wishes and prayers for peace,


David Chevan, Bassologist
for more info visit my web site located at

---------------------- jewish-music (at) shamash(dot)org ---------------------+

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