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NYC Klezmer Ensemble Free Open House Tuesday, April 9

The Workmen's Circle/Arbeter Ring
                Press Release

Contact: Stacey Bosworth at (212) 889-6800 x271

Klezmer Workshop with Jeff Warschauer 
Enters its 3rd Successful Year at 
The Workmen`s Circle/ Arbeter Ring

Spring Session kicks-off with an open house on 
Tuesday April 9th at 7:00PM

NEW YORK March 13, 2002. The Workmen's Circle is holding an OPEN HOUSE for 
their Klezmer Workshop on Tuesday April 9, 2002. The Workmen's Circle is now 
accepting registration for the spring session of the six-week session of 
their "Klezmer Workshop with Jeff Warschauer" that will begin Tuesday April 

The Klezmer Workshop will offer musicians who have at least an intermediate 
level of ability playing and reading music the opportunity to develop the 
skills necessary to play klezmer music. Working in an ensemble, participants 
will become familiar with the forms and melodies that comprise the broad 
klezmer repertoire. On occasion, the course will feature a guest instructor 
from the forefront of the NYC klezmer scene. Although no previous knowledge 
of klezmer music will be assumed, musicians who already have some experience 
playing this music will benefit from further instruction and the opportunity 
to develop their ensemble skills. 

Jeff Warschauer is known internationally as one of the foremost exponents of 
the klezmer mandolin, as an innovator in the development of a klezmer guitar 
style, as an expressive Yiddish singer and as a skillful and inspirational 
teacher. A member of the Strauss/Warschauer Duo and the Klezmer Conservatory 
Band, Jeff is also a composer whose music has been heard in films and theater 
productions, and on Public Radio International and HBO. A graduate of the New 
England Conservatory of Music, Jeff's solo CD, The Singing Waltz: Klezmer 
Guitar and Mandolin, on the Omega label, has received widespread critical 

The workshop is held at The Workmen's Circle, 45 East 33rd St. (between Park 
and Madison Aves.), NYC. April 9th – Open House Six Week Session Classes 
April 16th 23rd 31st  May 7th 14th 21st Costs: Member $150.00, non-mem: 
$180.00 per session $25.00 or $30.00
For more information, call Rhonda Cohen at 212.889.6800 ext. 215, or e-mail 
nyregion (at) circle(dot)org(dot)  

---------------------- jewish-music (at) shamash(dot)org ---------------------+

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