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Had Gadya in a POrtuguese church

hi, quickly from MAdrid(little email access), did a concert in a church in 
northern Portugal, in an old Crypto-Jewish area, on Palm Sunday, and at the 
last minute culdn't resist including a Moroccan Hebrew/Aramaic/Judeo-Spanish 
version of Had Gadya and having the congregation and priest join in on the 
Spent most of Pesakh with the Crypto-Jews in Belmonte, with most of them 
avoiding the tv and newspapers as much as possible during Pesakh; also a little 
excursion to the Gyspies' evangelical church for their Shepherds' Meeting... 
home day after tomorrow.
Lots of anti-Israel sentiment ghere in Spain, also in POrtugal, including in 
the folk music discussion list... Judith

---------------------- jewish-music (at) shamash(dot)org ---------------------+

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