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Klezmer mentioned in NY Times article about Internet radio royalties

Look how the word "klezmer" so easily rolls off the tongue of this guy from

"Arguing that it is in the interest of listeners to promote more choices,
Bill Rose, general manager of Arbitron Webcast Services, wrote to
Representative F. James Sensenbrenner Jr., Republican of Wisconsin and
chairman of the House Judiciary Committee, advocating a five-year moratorium
on royalties for Webcasters. `Since streaming media has almost a zero cost
of entry,' Mr. Rose said in an interview, 'one of the beauties of this is
you have the ability to have an infinite number of voices ? music of the
Caribbean or Celtic music or klezmer music for people who have a passion,
but can't get it from other sources. The danger is that these fees will put
that diversity at risk.'

to read the whole article,
"Royalties Proposal Casts Shadow Over Webcasters"

go to:

Seth Rogovoy
Cultural Czar
WAMC Northeast Public Radio Network
Fridays, 10:06-10:20 a.m.

---------------------- jewish-music (at) shamash(dot)org ---------------------+

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