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Re: This Week on NPR's "Yiddish Radio Project"

I'm really glad the Yiddish Radio Project is happening.  

That said, is there any relationship between the mega air-time this
worthwhile series is getting  and NPR's anti-Israel bent? (See for more on NPR's Middle East coverage.)  Is this
series, at least in part, a PR move by NPR to offset its Middle East coverage?

I might be totally wrong. Who knows.  Not me.  Maybe Henry S.

I called my local NPR station in Sept. '01, while listening to  a
guest/expert go on and on about how Sharon should be put on trial in
Belgium. This was six days after 9/11, and Kojo Nambi (sp?), the NPR
talk-show host, was spending significant time on Sharon.  I had a few other
bogeymen on my mind that week. The station's receptionist naively said to
me, "I'm getting calls from other contributors [listeners who pledge $]
saying we're anti-Israel.  What's this all about?" 

-Bert Stratton


At 11:22 AM 3/24/02 EST, you wrote:
>Episode Two of the "Yiddish Radio Project" focuses on the crossover success 
>of "Bei Mir Bist Do Schon" and how it inspired the long running radio
>"Yiddish Melodies in Swing" narrated by the show's last remaining cast 
>member, Claire Barry. 
>Also in this portion will be profiles of "Yiddish Melodies in Swing" 
>clarinetist Dave Tarras and his bete-noir Naftule Brandwein by klezmer 
>legends Paul Pincus and Pete Sokolow.
>"The Yiddish Radio Project" can be heard weekly through May on NPR's "All 
>Things Considered" 4:30 EST (check times for local broadcast).
>Henry Sapoznik
>The Yiddish Radio Project

---------------------- jewish-music (at) shamash(dot)org ---------------------+

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