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Klezfest, 2002 in Ukraine

The Center of Jewish Education in Ukraine announces the Third
Klezfest that is due in Kiev on July 28 - August 1.

The main topic of the festival will be the wedding music of the
Ashkenazi and all related traditions: Jewish wedding rituals,
wedding dances, satirical songs and interesting stories (the art
of badkhens), lyrical and romantic songs in Yiddish, and
instrumental wedding music. The program also envisages the topical
show of movies on the Jewish wedding. A separate exposition will
be devoted to the ancient marriage contracts (ktubot) decorated by
folk artists and written by calligraphy masters (soifers).

A vocal master class (including the art of Badkhens) under the
leadership of famous expert of the Jewish folklore, pianist,
musician, singer, artistic director of the "Folksbineh" theater
Zalmen Mlotek (New York) and talented singer and gifted
interpreter of Jewish songs Adrienne Cooper (New York);

A master class for instrumentalists under the leader of the
Klezmer-trio from Great Britain Merlin Shepherd (clarinet) and
leader of the "Kharkov Klezmer Band" Stas Raiko (violin);

Lessons of Yiddish for all participants (with the study of the
elements of the wedding folklore). The classes will be taught by
highly qualified teachers in groups according to the level of

Lectures-discussions on the Jewish musical folklore, Galachah
aspects of the Jewish wedding and its traditional musical
accompaniment, as well as the Jewish arts and history of
ornamentation of ktubot;

Evening programs: musical adaptation for the stage of episodes of
the Jewish wedding;

A round-table discussion devoted to the problems of the use of the
Jewish music in Jewish communities as a means to revive and raise
the self-identification of the Jews.

Practical classes on cooking traditional wedding dishes.

The program of the seminar may be changed.

The number of participants is restricted. Applications for the
participation in the seminar should be sent to the organizing
committee before June 1, 2002. Applications received after June 1
will not be examined by the committee. Every application should be
accompanied with an audio or a video tape of the performance of
the particular participant, quality photos and information about
the band or the performer. The committee will not examine
applications without these supplements. The results of the
selection of participants will be announced before July 1 by
phone, fax or e-mail.

Additional information can be received at the organizing
committee. Our address: Center for Jewish Education
Kurska Street, 6, room 37 03049 Kiev Ukraine

Ph/: (380-44) 248- 36-70, 248-36-34, 248-53-77,
Fax: (380-44) 248-36-70, 248-53-77
E-mail: center (at) cjeu(dot)carrier(dot)kiev(dot)ua

---------------------- jewish-music (at) shamash(dot)org ---------------------+

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