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Re: info wanted

On Wed, 20 Feb 2002 10:18:46 +0200, you wrote:

>Dear List
>A non-Jewish klezmer ensemble in Cape Town

Very very cool! The International Klezmer Conspiracy strikes again!
(hey, that wouldn't be a bad name for a band... no one steal it OK?)

>Oy, Tate

Little side note about this song... a cautionary tale of sorts... someone (at 
klezkamp, i think) told me he was hearing a non-jewish klezmer band playing 
this song... he said they played it pretty well... but then they announced "we 
just played 'oy, tate'" saying it like the movie called little man tate... hard 
a and silent e... and everyone threw bananna cream pies

moral: pronounce it "tah-teh"... unless you like bananna cream pies...

this song isn't about much of anything... it's just a dance tune... remember to 
shout "oy, tate!" for the third measure of the last section... don't play the 
instruments just shout "oy tate"... quarter eighth eighth but remember... tate 
has two syllables!

>Khasidim Tanz
>Mitzvah Tanz
>Mechutonim tanz

I don't think the rest of these songs have words or stories either... just more 
dance tunes... and unles they're by tarras, beckerman or brandwein probably 
they don't have known authors either...

-yak0v... new fan of ellipses...
"What's a good philosophy course?" -roommate Jeff

---------------------- jewish-music (at) shamash(dot)org ---------------------+

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