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Re: di rebetsin

Actually, to be precise, that thread starts with this post:

Date: 01 Dec 91 21:26:29 EST
From: "Dr. Harold Bershady" <HBERSHAD (at) PENNSAS(dot)UPENN(dot)EDU>
Subject: Der rebbe

Mendele has evoked shards of memory I didn't realize I had
One such is of my Bubbe laughing with some of her women
friends over a song.  2 of the verses went, I think:  "Sha,
sha der rebbe geht/Sha, sha der rebbe geht/ Sha, sha die
rebbetzin tsishpreht/ A tishtich affen tish; Sha, sha bime
rebbe angt/Sha, sha bime rebbe angt/ Sha, sha bime rebbe
angt/ A zager affen vawnt.."

I would be grateful to Mendele for any further verses.
What is of interest to me other than the pleasure of this
memory is the fact that my warm, knishes and chalah baking
Bubbe, punctilious in her observance of the Sabbath and all
other holy days, sang (or at least enjoyed) this bawdy,
"anti-clerical" song (this doesn't seem the right way to
characterize it, but how would one refer to such a song?)
Do any Mendele subscribers know of other such songs?  Or
bawdy stor- ies or perhaps jokes?  Were the singers of such
songs (if more than one) more often women than men?  (I
don't recall my Zayde participating in this)  The joke
tellers are often men, of course; it's the songs that are
of interest.

A final note:  when one calls someone "buhbi" this is a
term of endearment, meaning sweet, honey, etc. Is this a
spinoff from bubbe, who's often sweet, but rarely if ever
called buhbi?

End of Mendele Vol 1.118


  ----- Original Message ----- 
  From: Sandra Layman 
  To: World music from a Jewish slant 
  Sent: Wednesday, March 13, 2002 9:27 AM
  Subject: Re: di rebetsin


  Through a Google search, I found a thread on Mendele.
  It starts here:

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