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Women's Seder

~~~ ••••• ~~~
Widely Acclaimed
Klezmer, Jewish & American music group
fax: 202/966-7284
~~~ ••••• ~~~

The Washington Jewish Women's Project of the DCJCC
invites you to attend a very special Women's Seder:

A festive evening of prayer, food, tzedakah, wine and song!
Led by Caron Dale of Lox & Vodka
Sunday, March 17, 2002  beginning at 5:00
DCJCC at 1529 16th St., NW

Come celebrate the strength, vitality and heroism of Jewish women who have 
dared to take riskes - both large and small - to better the world around 
them.  Through songs and stories, we will move through time - returning to 
the Exodus to hear our foremother's tales, meeting modern women who have 
challened established practices - and draw inspiration from those who have 
had the faith to bring about change.

For information and registration:
miriamseder (at) hotmail(dot)com
Harriet at 202/777-3271
Regiatration deadline, March 8th

With warmest wishes for a happy, healthy and soulful Pesach.
We hope to see you there!

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