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Re: New CDs at Hatikavh

Simon:  You haven't provided prices for any of these!  Are they on sale?  Is 
shipping included?

--Robert Cohen

>New Releases ... not yet on our web site
>New Sephardic Moroccan Release
>"Gazelle" is an exciting new CD by the Kol Oud Tof Trio  (Voice Oud Drum 
> >From the Booklet:
>This CD brings together for the first time four different Moroccan Jewish
>musical repertoires which until now have been presented separately: Spanish
>women's songs from northern Morocco, sung in their original language,
>Haketia, the "Ladino" of the Jews of Northern Morocco; songs in the Jewish
>Moroccan Arabic dialect; Moroccan Jewish liturgical music; and classic
>Andalusian songs in Hebrew, a tradition which finds it's principal 
>in "bakkashot' (petitions).
>Featuring the beautiful voice of renown Israeli singer Esti Kenan-Ofri, and
>accompanied Armand Sabach (oud) and Oren Fried (percussion).
>"Hallel" - by Cantor Yossele Rosenblatt (Hallel Psalms & Prayers For the 3
> >From the Booklet:
>...a selection of Hallel Psalms and prayers for the three festival -
>Passover, Shavuot, and Succoth recorded between 1907 - 1931. Most of the
>selections were composed by Rosenblatt, and 5 of the 13 selections have 
>appeared on CD before.
>"Ribono Shel Olam"
>This "comparative" CD features various Cantors in performances of the same
>musical selections.
>  "Sfirat Haomer"  - versions by each of these cantors; Y. Rosenblatt, 
>Erblich, Yoseff Shlisky, P. Pinchik, Yaakov Koussevitzky, and S. Malavsky
>  "Yom Kippur Katan" - versions by S Vigoda, Moshe Koussevitzky, Alexander
>Sirota, and Moshe Ganchof
>  "Shlosha Regalim" - versions by Z. Kwartin, and BenTzion Kapov-Kagan
>Bonus Track;
>"Dudale" (Ribono Shel Olam) by Mordechai Hershman

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