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Re: Harmonica family Jewish ?

Interestingly, but only slightly related, a friend of mine brought back 
from a recent visit to Poland, some christmas tree decorations.  Gold 
painted stars.  Not 5 pointed, but 6 pointed.  Does this indicate some 
sort of crypto-jew genesis?  No, it's just that after the symbolism of 
the 5 pointed star connected with communism, they all switched to 6 
pointed stars.  It now makes a cute Chanukah decoration.

allen watsky wrote:

> Josh, I have seen the Star on pre war 270's ,their smaller chromatic. Its
>there. There is some talk of another star variant that I have not seen. But
>the Star of David does appear on the instruments till '39.. AW
>----- Original Message -----
>From: "Joshua Horowitz" <horowitz (at) budowitz(dot)com>
>To: "World music from a Jewish slant" <jewish-music (at) shamash(dot)org>
>Sent: Sunday, February 17, 2002 6:02 PM
>Subject: Re: Harmonica family Jewish ?
>>Matthias Hohner was born in 1833 and died Dec 11, 1902. He was a
>>by trade. The firm was founded in 1857 with 2 co workers. They began by
>>making mouth harmonicas, and Matthias forbade his sons to make accordions
>>until after his death, a decision which almost ruined the company. The
>>cultural history of the accordion (especially in Germany) is very
>>There is a photo of Hitler on a lake being regaled by an accordion player
>>1936, smiling. There was a large accordion movement in Germany before
>>In spite of its widespread popularity and its utilization of accordions
>>playing Schubert's unfinished Symphony  and myriad other classical works
>>various youth groups it was first forbidden by the Joede Movement, led by
>>Wolfgang Stumme, but there were heated arguments as to whether it should
>>encouraged or forbidden.
>>The blockade existed mainly against the instrument in the Hitler Jugend
>>(Hitler Youth Movement). Here it was forbidden as of 1938. On the one
>>its popularity could not be ignored (as it could potentially be utilized
>>propogandistically). On the other hand, it should not "popularize and
>>degrade" the works of the great German masters (Haydn, Beethoven, Wagner.
>>In 1942, the Hohner Academy was accredited as a "State School." The Hohner
>>family did much officially to endear themselves to the Nazis. If there is
>>any documentation of the Hohners being Jewish, bring out the documents.
>>never seen a star of David on an old Hohner, has anyone else? Josh
>>>From: "allen watsky" <awatsky (at) nj(dot)rr(dot)com>
>>>To: World music from a Jewish slant <jewish-music (at) shamash(dot)org>
>>>Subject: Harmonica family Jewish ?
>>>Date: Sun, Feb 17, 2002, 1:59 PM
>>>Hello Folks, I was just wondering if anyone knows if the Hohner family
>>>Germany was or is Jewish. There's been some talk on the Chromatic
>>>list that the Star of David that was on their harmonica cover plates was
>>>indication of their Jewishness. Others say it was merely a design
>>>It was ordered removed by the National Socialists in 1939.  Its one way
>>>date older instruments.Any one have a clue?, or actual documentation.
>>>Thanks Much , Al Watsky

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