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Re: Orchestre Andalou d'Israel

In a message dated 2/11/2 10:48:40 AM, jackfalk (at) teleport(dot)com writes:

<< In the past several programs, I've had more listener

interest about the Orchestre Andalou d'Israel (with 

Emil Zrihan, Jo Amar, and other singers) than anything

else I've played in years.  I've been loading the 

playlist with North African Jewish music lately, and

listeners keep calling for the Orchestre Andalou.

It's pretty darn good!  I particularly like the Karati

by Alain Chekroun, a very spare arrangement for voice

and oud that's stunningly beautiful.   >>

All these titles can be viewed  on our "What's New" page at:

New titles in this series are expected in about 2 weeks and will be posted on 
the Jewish Music list.
Thank You
Hatikvah Music
323) 655-7083

---------------------- jewish-music (at) shamash(dot)org ---------------------+

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