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one more time


Bruce Chalmer, choir director and lay service leader at Beth Jacob Synagogue
in Montpelier, Vermont, has written a work entitled "Berakhot:  A Midrash
Cantata."  The work, of about an hour's duration, consists of 26 pieces,
each a midrashic interpretation based on a berakha or scriptural or Talmudic
text related to berakhot.

First performance of the work will be in the fall of 2002 by the Fyre and
Lightning Consort, a Vermont-based group of musicians.  The work includes
pieces scored for voices (SATB) and a variety of instruments (recorders,
harp, lute, clarinet, trumpets, tuba, et al.), and includes many different
styles (medieval- and renaissance-like polyphony, blues, klezmer, barbershop
quartet, et al.).

A website ( tells more about the cantata.
Links are provided that allow you to see the score and hear a MIDI rendition
of each piece, as well as see the program notes, which include lyrics and
the composer's commentary.

Bruce would welcome any feedback.

---------------------- jewish-music (at) shamash(dot)org ---------------------+

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