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[Fwd: looking for lyric]


Can anyone help this gentleman?  I'm a bit curious myself...


Wolff Alterman wrote:

> My late Grandfather, when he was feeling merry would sing "Shiker iz a Goy".
> The gist of the song is that Gentiles drink, and Jews study.  I'd love to
> find the words (or...gasp!) a recording of this song.  While certainly not
> politically corect, it hold many fond memories for me.  Thanks!
> Wolff Alterman
> Mars Hill, NC
--- Begin Message ---
My late Grandfather, when he was feeling merry would sing "Shiker iz a Goy".
The gist of the song is that Gentiles drink, and Jews study.  I'd love to
find the words (or...gasp!) a recording of this song.  While certainly not
politically corect, it hold many fond memories for me.  Thanks!

Wolff Alterman
Mars Hill, NC

--- End Message ---

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