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Re: A site from the Land Down Under

on 2/5/02 2:31 PM, jan pieter baan at jpa-baan (at) planet(dot)nl wrote:

> would you be so kind to erase my name from your mailinglist?
Jan, here is a copy of some of the instructions dealing with subscribing or
unsubscribing from the list:


Admininistrativa, such as joining the list, leaving the list, or
searching the archives are all handled by the listproc software on
Shamash. The address for these administrative requests is:

     listproc (at) shamash(dot)org

To join the list send a message to the above address which contains
the line:

     subscribe jewish-music Your_first_name Your_last_name

where you put your name in the appropriate spot above.

To leave the list, send a message to the above address which
contains the line:

     signoff jewish-music

To change your email address, to search the archives, or to conduct
other stuff, the easiest interface is on the web, starting at

If you have any problems, or the above either does not work for you
or doesn't make sense, please send me email and I will get things
done manually.

Ari Davidow
jewish-music moderator
ari (at) ivritype(dot)com

Please save this message for future reference, especially if you are not
familiar with ListProc. This might look like a waste of disk space now,
but in 6 months you will be glad you saved this information when you
realize that you cannot remember what lists you joined, how to retrieve
list archives, how to unsubscribe from this list, or tell the list
you are going on vacation and you need your subscription postponed while you
are gone.  Thank you for joining a Shamash list.

                ********** HOW TO POST TO THE LIST **********

It is required that you send your postings from this address.
(A posting is a message you send to the mailing list.)

        ********** HOW TO GET OFF THE LIST **********

To sign off from the list, email to listproc (at) shamash(dot)org with the 

            signoff JEWISH-MUSIC
            unsubscribe JEWISH-MUSIC


"This isn't rocket science, it's brain surgery!" --Montgomery Burns

---------------------- jewish-music (at) shamash(dot)org ---------------------+

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