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Re: To Ear is perfect? (etymotic)

I am not connected to Etymotic but have been using their ER-20 ear plugs for 
a number of months now. I use them in all types of situations from listening 
to bands in bars to playing. The thing I like about them is that they don't 
change the pitch of the sounds. None of that highend ring when you take them 
out. If you saw me at KlezKamp playing I was wearing them. They come with a 
nice little container to keep them on your key chain so that you can always 
have them on you.
    They cost $10 a pair plus $5 for shipping on the order. So get a couple 
of people together to make an order.

Matt Temkin - Mattflight (at) aol(dot)com
    Assistant Archivist; Klezmer Conservatory Foundation
    Jewish Music Percussionist

---------------------- jewish-music (at) shamash(dot)org ---------------------+

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